The Judy Show, ( starring Judy Gold at the DR2 Theatre (103 E. 15th Street) has announced the next set of guests to take part in the talkback series "To Be Continued..." where Judy will chat with guests about their childhood anecdotes and memories. The show was recently extended through November 27th.
The following guests are now confirmed for "To Be Continued..." New Guests are starred.October 27th: Chely Wright (Top Female Vocalist, Academy of Country Music Awards, gay rights activist)November 2nd(after the 8pm show): Andy Borowitz (The Borowitz Report, CNN's American Morning)November 3rd: Lee Woodruff (New York Times' Best Selling Author)November 9th (after the 8pm show): Sarah Silverman (Comedy Central, Jesus is Magic)November 16th (after the 8pm show): Richard Kind ("Mad About You", "Spin City")*Dates & Times are correct at this time but may change without notice.The talkback series will give the audience a chance to ask questions and continue the conversation. Judy Gold will interview her guests for a great chat...and a trip down memory lane.Building on the success of her show 25 Questions for a Jewish Mother, funny-woman Judy Gold returns to the stage in this hilarious look at her life through the lens of the classic sitcoms of her youth. With multimedia, original music, laughter, and love, Judy shows us how she balances family and ambition with a little help from our favorite TV shows of the Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties.Videos