Shana Solomon, American Actor, Writer & Comedian, has begun her 12-show run of her One-Woman Show, The Closet Bitch. The sold-out show opened Thursday, October 3(rd), 2013 at The C.O.W. Theater located at 21A Clinton Street, New York, NY 10002. The Limited Engagement dates of this hilariously raw show are October 19(th), 20(th), 21(st), 26(th), 27(th) & 28(th). Tickets are $25 online at
With daddy as a hustler and a Princeton Graduate, Shana Solomon's upbringing was quite confusing. No wonder she has a hilarious story to tell:"I asked my dad if it was cool to tell the world about our life on stage." He said, 'Well, a ni*%as got to come clean some day.' Besides he wasn't Pablo Escobar, he was more like Saul Silver from Pineapple Express with a Richard Pryor attitude.When was the last time you heard an inspirational story that will make you quit your day job & follow your passion, from a young sexy woman raised by a hustling daddy with his masters in political science?Videos