The Drilling Company's Shakespeare in the Parking Lot ( has found a new home in the Parking Lot behind The Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center (CSV), 114 Norfolk Street between Delancey and Rivington Streets. The troupe will kick off the third decade of Shakespeare in the Parking Lot there July 9 to 26 with "As You Like It," directed by Artistic Director Hamilton Clancy. The production will offer delightful lessons of love, starting off in a stately English Victorian world and moving into a Steampunk paradise when the scene shifts from a conventional Duchy to the mythical Forest of Arden.
In 2014, having lost its space in the municipal parking lot at Ludlow and Broome Streets, The Drilling Company sought a new location in the Lower East Side to continue the 20 year tradition of Shakespeare in the Parking Lot. After a nine-month search, this new location adjacent to CSV was arranged. Like the previous location, it is a working parking lot and it will have the urban, gritty atmosphere that made these productions memorable through the years. The concept of free Shakespeare in a parking lot, presented with a "poor theater" aesthetic, is now widely imitated around the US and around the world, with productions as far away as New Zealand. The new location is just three blocks from the municipal parking lot where the gritty annual Free Shakespeare festival originated in 1995. "As You Like It" is a perennial favorite among Shakespeare's comedies. Its plot follows the banishment of Duke Senior, Orlando, Rosalind (who goes about in male drag to beguile the gallant Orlando), Celia, Oliver and Touchtstone to the Forest of Arden. In this refuge for those driven out of society, everybody gets lessons in love. The action is fierce in the first half: murders are attempted, ribs are cracked in wrestling matches, a brother is disowned, a niece is exiled and loyalties are sorely tested. For those who end up in the Forest of Arden during the second half, the perils are chiefly falling in love or being outwitted by wit. "As You Like It" introduces some of Shakespeare's most memorable characters, notably the sharp-tongued, ever-jaded Jacques. Each major character represents a quality of love: familial love is personified by Rosalind and Celia, brotherly love by the Dukes, Orlando and Oliver, the blind love of devotion by Silvius, the love of service by Adam and Corin, the love of self by Jacques and the love of lust by Touchstone.Photo Credit: Jonathan Slaff