The Laurie Beechman Theatre announced the continuation of their series, Screening Sondheim, featuring screenings of celebrated Sondheim productions. The series kicked off in February with the sold out debut of Company, and continues on Saturday March 22nd @ 8pm with the original Broadway production of Into the Woods. At 8pm, there will be a chat with Joy Franz, who created the role of Cinderella's Stepmother, a performance she repeated in the 2002 Broadway revival. They will discuss the origins of the musical, the PBS taping and are sure to hear some tasty backstage stories. Immediately following, they wil screen the production.
There is no cover charge for this event, and there is a two drink or $15 food/beverage minimum. The Laurie Beechman Theatre is located within The West Bank Cafe, 407 West 42nd St., in the heart of New York's theatre district. For reservations, which are strongly recommended, pleased call 212 695 6909.