Saga Theater's Individualist Ensemble announces the world premiere of Homesick, an original work that explores the elusiveness of finding happiness through the company's intense physicality and experimentation with narrative form. The play delves into the lives of twenty pioneers on a wagon trail who head west in search of a new home. Then fast-forward to present day America where fundraisers are on the campaign trail, soldiers are grieving, an American woman experiences post-genocidal Rwanda and everyone is reading "The Secret". All in pursuit of the happiness the founding forefathers guaranteed.
Homesick is conceived and directed By Deborah Wallace; created by and featuring: Beau Allulli, Sophie Amieva Zina Anaplioti, TChristie, John Dalmon, Lily Feinn, George Frye, Meghan May Hart, Harold Kennedy German, Maranda Kosten, Mark Jaynes, Seth Miller, Lakshmi Picazo, Pablo Ribot and Pedro Rodriguez. Designed by Brian Scott (SITI Company) with music by Andy Gillis and dramaturgy by Suzana Berger.
Formed as in 2005 by Deborah Wallace, Leon Ingulsrud and Emily Mendelsohn, Favoured Nations, now Saga Theater is an international company of artists who create poetically visual and socially conscious work. Saga Theater's work explores the narrative form through a physically expressive aesthetic. Individualist Ensemble of Saga Theater is a collective dedicated to nurturing the work of the single artist while mindful of the need to maintain a clear collective vocabulary.
Homesick will be presented from November 29 until December 22 at the Ohio Theater (66 Wooster Street), Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 8PM; Sunday at 3PM. Running time approximately 90 minutes. Tickets: $20, $15 Students; available online at and by phone at 212-868-4444. For more information,