There seems to only be one thing on every New Yorker's mind. The Cubs winning the World Series? Nope. Donald Trump becoming President? Nah. People only care about HAMILTON!
You can't blame them, though. Combining hip hop and musical theatre to tell the story of America's founding fathers is quite an interesting subject. But, they're not the only ones using hip hop at their show.
Before Lin-Manuel Miranda came onto the scene, the Q Brothers were the first to modernize a classic story. Othello: The Remix is the Q Brothers' third hip hop translation of Shakespeare's works. Because of the hip hop element, the show has been pinned as the next HAMILTON-like theater experience.
To respond to these accusations, the cast created a video poking fun at that "other" hip hop show, especially surrounding all the buzz that's been happening with the release of the mixtape, reminding us that's there's room for more than one hip hop musical in the theatre world.
Check out the hilarious video, below!