Kate Del Castillo, currently starring in the groundbreaking Spanish production of Eve Ensler's Los Monólogos de la Vagina, was on WNBC TV's "Visiones" on Saturday. Watch the interview below!
Del Castillo shares the stage at the Westside Theatre (407 West 43rd Street) with Angélica María, and Angélica Vale through June 1. From June 3-22 only, Tony Award nominee Daphne Rubin-Vega joins the cast, accompanied by Maria Cellario and Flor de Liz Perez. Mexican director Jaime Matarredona helms the production.
Morris Gilbert and Federico González Compeán are the producers of the long-running Mexico City production of Los Monólogosde la Vagina and two of the most prominent and prolific producers of Spanish language theatre in the world. The production is modeled after the current Mexico City production, now in its 14th year. Los Monólogos de la Vagina is performed by a revolving cast. A portion of each ticket sold will go directly to benefit V-Day, the global activist movement founded by Eve Ensler whose mission is to end violence against women.
The producers have just announced that beginning June 3 complimentary English translation headsets will be available to audience members.