The hit off-Broadway show, Fuerza Bruta, returns to New York City with Fuerza Bruta WAYRA, the electrifying and innovative immersive theater experience. Having recently thrilled audiences in London, England and Buenos Aires, Argentina, the New York City production of Fuerza Bruta WAYRA began performances at the Daryl Roth Theatre (101 E. 15th Street, NYC) on Friday, June 27, 2014, and features the very best of Fuerza Bruta and some never before seen elements.
Last night, Pix 11 did a behind-the-scenes story profiling some of WAYRA's performers. Check it out below!
Fuerza Bruta WAYRA takes the audience on an 80-minute thrill ride from beginning to end, with heart thrashing fun, fast paced and upbeat live music, on-stage musicians, and breathtaking aerial displays. The newly designed set and scenes are sure to present fans of the previous incarnations (and new fans alike) with fresh experiences, and guarantee that Fuerza Bruta WAYRA will be a theatrical thrill that floods the senses.
Fuerza Bruta is an Argentinean-founded multi-sensory spectacular created by Artistic Director Diqui James and Musical Director Gaby Kerpel, the same creators of De La Guarda. Fuerza Bruta premiered in Buenos Aires in 2005 and has been seen in London, Lisbon, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Bogota, Sao Paulo, Rosario, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Queretaro and Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where it earned critical praise and was honored with the prestigious Bank of Scotland Herald Angel Award.