The show is a sweeping, kaleidoscopic tale of invention, betrayal, international political intrigue, and the immortal friendship that exists between man and dog.
GHOSTLIGHT RECORDS has announced the release of the original cast album of the new musical Space Dogs on January 28, 2022. The show features music and lyrics by Van Hughes and Nick Blaemire, who also perform the show. Space Dogs will debut at New York's MCC Theater, directed by Ellie Heyman, from January 11 to February 20, 2022. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday, December 8, 2021. Starting today, customers who pre-order the digital album will immediately receive the track "The Space Dogs of the Cosmodrome." The album is produced by Van Hughes and Nick Blaemire, with Kurt Deutsch serving as executive producer. Pre-order now at
Space Dogs tells the heartbreaking, mind-blowing true story of Laika and the Chief Designer - a stray dog and the top-secret Russian scientist who sent her to space during the Cold War. The show is a sweeping, kaleidoscopic tale of invention, betrayal, international political intrigue, and the immortal friendship that exists between man and dog, as they journey together to the stars. More on the show is at
1. The Space Dogs of the Cosmodrome
2. If I Start a Race
3. A Brief History of Dogs
4. Getting Me High
5. Blessed By Two Great Oceans
6. Fill the Void I
7. A Russian Canine Beauty Pageant
8. Werner Von Braun
9. Babies to Time
10. Ahead in the Van
11. Fuzziest Loneliest
12. Progress
13. Byelka Strelka
14. Fill the Void II
15. Space Opera