Tennessee Williams’ Something Unspoken is a brilliantly humorous vignette of the social maneuvers of a wealthy Southern Spinster.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT PRODUCTIONS, now in its 21st year, is continuing to celebrate the oft-neglected one-act play and theatre at its best with Award-winning actors, writers and directors, with two plays that revolve around...secrets.
Tennessee Williams' Something Unspoken is a brilliantly humorous vignette of the social maneuvers of a wealthy Southern Spinster.
Set in a hair salon, Susan Charlotte's The Hairdresser tackles such significant issues as mortality, aging, and loss, with much deeper secrets revealed as the emotionally charged interchange progresses.
The shows will be directed by FFTP's resident director Antony Marsellis, and there will be a Q&A following with the cast and led by FFTP Founder/Playwright Susan Charlotte. Special 'Zoom' guests include Louise Lasser - who performed in a production of The Hairdresser with Stephen Schnetzer; and one of the most recognizable voices on NY and national airwaves, as well as an outspoken advocate in alerting and educating women on the perils of ovarian cancer, Valerie Smaldone.
The June 28th, 2:00pm performance will be available live via Zoom as well as a limited in-theatre 'audience' who will be part of a documentary being filmed on FFTP. The entire FFT series will be presented at Theatre 80 St. Marks. Tickets for the 'live' performance are free to first-come patrons, who have agreed to be part of the documentary on FFTP. All social distancing precautions will be respected. There will be a medical professional onsite to check temperatures and audience members must wear masks and have recently tested negative for Covid-19. There will be a nominal charge for the streaming. For those who can't make the zoom on Monday, the program will be repeated on Saturday and Sunday July 10 & 11. For additional information and tickets please contact FFTP at: 646-366-9340 or email: info@foodforthoughtproductions.com