Written by and starring four New York based comedians, Tina Giorgi (Falling Up, "The Late Late Show," "Comics Unleashed," "Tough Crowd With Colin Quinn"), Joe Moffa ("Blue Bloods," Carlito's Way), Chris Monty (PBS's "The Business of Comedy," Mall Cop: Bart 2) and Eric Tartaglione (That Championship Season, NBC's "Last Comic Standing"), directed by Eve Brandstein. SHUT UP SIT DOWN & EAT began performances on October 12 and will run through December 28, 2014.
SHUT UP SIT DOWN & EAT is the hilarious journey of emotional dysfunction - Italian Style! When a therapist fails to arrive on time for a group therapy session, four impatient Italian Americans decide to take their issues into their own hands.
Performed over 120 times at theatres, comedy clubs, and casinos around the country, SHUT UP SIT DOWN & EAT was nominated by The Off Broadway Alliance for Best Unique Theatrical Experience. The play is considered a "plomedy," which the Urban Dictionary defines as "a genre of theatrical event that blends the wit of stand-up comedy with the intensity of a one-man show presented in an innovative play format by professional comedians."