The show will run through June 2, 2023 at New World Stages.
Deb Miller, DC Theater Arts: If you’re a child of the '80s-90s and have fond memories of growing up watching the invincible Marc Summers, this is the show for you, and it could make your dreams come true by volunteering to be a part of it with him. If not, it’s a great introduction to the life and charm of a thoroughly open, upbeat, and amiable person with a fabulous stage presence, delivery, and sense of humor, which is sure to make you a fan and to inspire you to make the best of everything life hands you – even if it gets slimy!
Gillian Russo, New York Theatre Guide: For the masses who did grow up watching Summers on TV, Life and Slimes will likely feel like a reunion with an old friend. Multiple people in my audience, some of whom sported T-shirts with Double Dare-inspired sayings, had their own kids in tow. It was a heartening sight: Summers, who clearly remains earnest and genial even after multiple debilitating battles, is the kind of person that deserves to, and will, stay beloved and timeless. Or should I say slimeless.