Second Stage Theater presents the New York premiere of Make Believe. Written by Bess Wohl and directed by Michael Greif, Make Believe features Kim Fischer, Susannah Flood, Ryan Foust, Harrison Fox, Maren Heary, Casey Hilton, Brad Heberlee, and Samantha Mathis.
When does real life collide with make believe? For the four Conlee kids, ages 5 to 10, playing house is no longer a game when their parents inexplicably disappear. Thirty-two years later, their search for answers continues.
Bess Wohl returns to Second Stage after her funny and poignant play, American Hero, with a look inside the minds of children, their parents and the mysteries of childhood that haunt us forever.
See what the critics are saying!
Helen Shaw, Time Out New York: It's the oldest strategy in the dramatic playbook: the "retrospective" plot, in which a buried secret is dug up and brought into the light. This most typical of storytelling tactics relies on surprise, but over the millennia the structure itself has become overfamiliar. That's why Bess Wohl's Make Believe has such freshness: The writer has found a new way to cut old cloth.
Melissa Rose Bernardo, New York Stage Review: All this would grow extremely tiresome were it not for one extremely risky-and genius-casting move: The kids are played by actual kids. (And not hammy, affected, acting-schmacting kids.) When the first thing you see is a cute little girl planted downstage center cradling her doll, there's no way not to be invested. Well played, Michael Greif.