Regeneration Theatre has announced its production of SKYSCRAPER, the first revival [ever] of the 1965 Musical Comedy by Peter Stone, James Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn, based on Elmer Rice's "Dream Girl," running September 7-17, 2017 at Urban Stages, 259 West 30th St, New York, NY.
Not seen anywhere since its original production closed in June 1966 with Julie Harris, Charles Nelson Reilly, and Peter Marshall, SKYCRAPER is most (in)famous for the pre-opening review during previews by columnist Dorothy Kilgallen (the "Page Six" of her day), but actually received 5 Tony nominations in a Tony year that also included Man of La Mancha, Mame, and Sweet Charity. Not bad going.
SKYSCRAPER is a slice of 1960s New York life, featuring the battle of the sexes, the battle of developers against preservationists, and the dreams and hops that the city inspires; themes and challenges that continue to be very recognizable and relevant in New York City today.
Erin Soler will be taking on the leading role of Georgina Allerton, originally portrayed by Julie Harris, and will be supported by Brian J Alford as Tim Bushman , and Kenneth Kyle Martinez as Roger Summerhill. Rounding out the leads will be Alex Price (Bert), Bill Morton (Allerton), Lisa Berman (Mrs Allerton), Mario Claudio (Stanley), and Kalia Lay (Charlotte), and an ensemble featuring Jeff Van Damme, AJ Hunsecker, Rebecca Frazier, Janice Engelgau, Sarah Treanor, Mark Blowers. Kristen Keim will be co-directing with Barnaby Edwards and Kristen will also be choreographing the production, which will feature musical direction by Daniel Lincoln, which will feature new arrangements highlighting the style of the time in which it was written and Van Heusen and Cahn's close relationship with the style and songs of Frank Sinatra.
The show runs at Urban Stages, 259 West 30th Street, New York, with performances from Sept 7-Sept 17, with tickets available at priced $30.