The show stars Marinda Anderson (Miss You Like Hell), Brittany Bellizeare (The Bluest Eye, “American Rust”), Andy Lucien (“The Blacklist”) & Rolonda Watts (“Rolonda”).
Vineyard Theatre and WP Theater have announced that the World Premiere of sandblasted will add a week of performances ahead of its opening night on February 27 at Vineyard Theatre (108 East 15th Street). sandblasted began previews on February 6 and will now play until March 13.
Check out photos of the production below!
Marinda Anderson (Miss You Like Hell), Brittany Bellizeare (The Bluest Eye, "American Rust"), Andy Lucien ("The Blacklist"), Rolonda Watts ("Rolonda") star in the newest work from Charly Evon Simpson (Behind the Sheet), recipient of The Vineyard's 2019 Paula Vogel Playwriting Award and a 2018-20 WP Theater Lab Alum. sandblasted is directed by Elliot Norton Award-winning director Summer L. Williams in her New York City debut.
Photo credit: Carol Rosegg
Brittany Bellizeare and Andy Lucien
Marinda Anderson and Brittany Bellizeare
Andy Lucien and Marinda Anderson
Marinda Anderson and Brittany Bellizeare
Marinda Anderson and Brittany Bellizeare
Marinda Anderson and Brittany Bellizeare
Marinda Anderson, Rolonda Watts, Brittany Bellizeare