"A Short Wake," a new dark comedy by Derek Murphy set in a New York funeral parlor where two brothers pay some very questionable respects at their father's wake, receives its U.S. premiere during this year's 1st Irish Festival in New York. The two-character play features features Peter Bradbury ("The Norman Conquests," "Hedda Gabler" on Bway), and the actor/stand-up BranDon Williams (national tour "Blood Brothers," "Game Show" Off-Bway) as two estranged brothers who reunite after many years. Ludovica Villar-Hauser ("The Countess," "Duet," "Leaves of Glass" Off-Broadway) directs.
When two first-generation Irish-American brothers are reacquainted at the wake of their father, the older brother, Teddy, (played by
Peter Bradbury, right), a thief and a rogue, reveals that he spent the last weeks of the old man's life pretending to be his younger brother, Jimmy (BRAN
Don Williams, left), a successful attorney who lives by himself and values his privacy. What appears at first blush as an act of pure deception may have actually resurrected the truth about many things.
Produced by Tweiss Productions, "A Short Wake" comes to life on Thursday September 10, playing 12 performances through Saturday September 26 at Manhattan Theatre Source, 177 MacDougal Street. Performances during the show's 3-week engagement are Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 8pm and Saturday at 3pm. Tickets, which are $18, are available via Theatermania.com, by phone at 212/352-3101 or online at
Photo credit: Michael Priest Photography
BranDon Williams and Peter Bradbury