The Actors Studio Drama School opened Week Four of its seven-week series of exciting and challenging theater productions with the world premiere of Eddaby Kendra Mittermeyer and Morning Coffee by Frederick Stroppel. The season features the work of the graduating MFA Acting and Directing students who collaborate on professionally produced productions presented at the ASDS Repertory Theater in downtown Manhattan.
The week also included a talkback with the writer and director of Edda, Kendra Mittermeyer and Victoria Nilsson, moderated by the Associate Artistic Director of the ASDS Repertory Season, Ken Urso.
Edda was directed by Victoria Nilsson and featured Edward Brence and Juanita Castro-Ochoa. Morning Coffee was directed by Sarah Brausch and featured Caleb John Cushing and Carla Kim.
The ASDS Repertory Season continues with three more weeks of productions. For more information on the season, visit
Over 25 years ago, under the auspices of the leadership within The Actors Studio, and academic, degree-granting program was created based on the method honed by members of The Actors Studio since 1947.
This initiative resulted in a three-year master's degree program that is unique in its side-by-side training of acting, directing and playwriting students. Classes are taught by experienced, distinguished Life Members of The Actors Studio in a course sequence that culminates with the Repertory Season.
James Lipton is the Dean Emeritus of The Actors Studio Drama School. The current presidents of The Actors Studio are Ellen Burstyn, Alec Baldwin and Al Pacino.
Photo Credit: Scott Wynn
Edward Brence and Juanita Castro-Ochoa
Juanita Castro-Ochoa and Edward Brence
Juanita Castro-Ochoa and Edward Brence
Carla Kim and Caleb John Cushing
Caleb John Cushing and Carla Kim
Caleb John Cushing and Carla Kim
Kendra Mittermeyer (playwright), Victoria Nilsson (Director), and Ken Urso (Associate Artistic Director) in a talkback after a performance of Edda. Photo by Charley Young