Mint Theater Company presents Leo Tolstoy's dramatic landmark, The Power Of Darkness, opening Monday September 24 at 7PM, in a limited engagement run through October 28.
"Tolstoy's tragedy is a heartrending and cautionary tale about the consequences of pursuing personal gain while disregarding morality and the dictates of one's own conscience. Time has not diminished the power of this masterful drama which is likely to challenge the nerves of even the most hardened of theatergoers. Set amidst the squalor, superstition and ignorance of a peasant village in Russia, the play's subtitle: 'If the claw is caught, the bird is lost' evocatively describes the downward spiral of the play's young protagonist whose philandering ensnares him in a web of murder, adultery and infanticide leading ultimately to despair and a cry for redemption," describe press notes.Photos by Rahav Segev/Photopass 2007
Angela Reed and Mark
Peter Bretz and Steve
Mark Alhadeff and
Angela Reed
Randy Danson and
Angela Reed
Mark Alhadeff