Ma-Yi Theater Company begins 19th season with Lloyd Suh's The Children of Vonderly, which opens Thursday, October 4.
Directed by Ralph Pena, The Children of Vonderly is Lloyd Suh's new play "about an unconventional, multi-ethnic family of adopted, disabled and physically challenged children led by a Jewish matriarch whose eccentricities threaten to rip them apart," explain press notes.
Off-Broadway performances of The Children of Vonderly run through October 21 at The East 13th Street Theatre (136 East 13th Street). Show times are Monday and Wednesday-Saturday at 8PM; Saturday and Sunday at 3PM, with the following exception: Opening Night, Thursday, October 4 at 7PM
Tickets are $20 during previews; $38 after October 3; students $20/$20; seniors $20/$34. Group discounts are available. For tickets, call at 212-352-3101 or online at
Photos by Matt Zugale
Maureen Sebastian (Georgia) and
William Jackson Harper (Jerry)
Lynn Cohen (Norma)
Maureen Sebastian (Georgia), Hoon
Lee (Noah), Stephen Jutras (Benjamin) and William Jackson Harper (Jerry)
William Jackson Harper (Jerry) and Jackie Chung (Sasha)
Maureen Sebastian (Georgia) and
Hoon Lee (Noah)
Stephen Jutras
(Benjamin) and William Jackson Harper (Jerry)