Resonance Ensemble presents Sherlock Solo: An Original Presentation by the Master Detective - a new solo play written and performed by Victor L. Cahn as the greatest detective to ever aid Scotland Yard… Sherlock Holmes. Previews of Sherlock Solo begin January 10, prior to an official press opening on January 14 at Theatre Row's Kirk Theatre (410 West 42nd Street) in Manhattan.
Scheduled January 10 through February 2 at Theatre Row's Kirk Theatre (410 West 42nd Street) Sherlock Solo: An Original Presentation by the Master Detective will perform Thursdays at 8PM, Fridays at 8PM, Saturdays at 2PM & 8PM and Sundays at 2PM (with an added performance on Monday, January 14 at 7pm). Tickets are $20 and can be reserved by calling Ticket Central at 212-279-4200 or on-line at For additional details, please visit
Photos by Jon Kandel
Victor Cahn
Victor Cahn
Victor Cahn