On December 8th, The National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene premiered The Sorceress (Di Kishefmakherin), a magical, musical Yiddish fantasy starring an innocent young heroine, her dashing fiancé, a devious stepmother, and a scheming witch that takes its audience into a world of illusion, intrigue, and suspense. Among the opening night guests were Jana Robbins and Haley Swindal.
The Sorceress is directed by Motl Didner and stars Mikhl Yashinsky, Rachel Botchan, Jonathan Brody, Jazmin Gorsline, Josh Kohane, Bruce Rebold, and Steve Sterner.
Scenic Design for The Sorceress is by Dara Wishingrad, Costume Design is by Izzy Fields, Lighting Design is by Natalie Robin, and Sound Design is by Dan Moses Schreier & Kenneth Goodwin. Props are by Addison Heeren, and Special Effects are by J&M Special Effects.
The production runs now through December 29th. Tickets are available at www.nytf.org.
Josh Kohane, Jazmin Gorsline, Mikhl Yashinsky
Lorin Zackular, Lexi Rabadi, Dani Apple, Sam Kronenfeld
D. Zisl Slepovitch, Sandra Cahn, Carol Levin, Motl Didner
Back Row: Rebecca Brudner, Josh Kohane, Riley McFarland, Samuel Druhora, Doug Shapiro, Peter Gosik, Middle Row: Lorin Zackular, Steve Sterner, Bruce Rebold, Merete Muenter, Hannah D Scott, Jonatha
Mikhl Yashinsky, Dani Apple, Dylan Seders Hoffman, Sam Kronenfeld
Motl Didner, Jeanette Friedman, Sta? Kmie? , Zalmen Mlotek
Meredith Hoddeson, Gia Pace, Jamibeth Margolis, Hanna Borowik, Dominick Balletta, Motl Didner, Zalmen Mlotek, Ramona Luka, Joe Mace, John Alden Hooper