59E59Theaters presents the New York premiere of Smart Blonde written by Willy Holtzman and directed by Peter Flynn. Produced by MBL Productions and Mary J. Davis in association with Judith Manocherian LLC, Smart Blonde begins performances Saturday, March 16, 2019 for a limited engagement through Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 59E59 Theaters (59 East 59th Street, between Park and Madison Avenues).
In New York City, star Judy Holliday lays down a series of tracks about her rise to fame amidst the politics of the 1950s. Memory and song converge as the "dumb blonde" with a genius IQ charts her experience from Greenwich Village to Broadway and beyond with notable show business alums, including Leonard Bernstein and Marilyn Monroe.
The luminous Andréa Burns (Broadway's On Your Feet and In the Heights) stars as Holliday. She's joined by Andrea Bianchi (Curvy Window), Mark Lotito (Broadway's Jersey Boys), and Jonathan Spivey (Summer and Smoke with the Transit Group).
The design team includes Tony Ferrieri (scenic design); Alan Edwards (lighting design); Michael McDonald (costume design); and Joanna Lynn Staub (sound design). The Production Stage Manager is Stephanie Clark.
Single tickets are $25-$35 ($24.50 for 59E59 Members). To purchase tickets, call 595E59 Box Office at (646) 892-7999, or visit www.59e59.org
Photo Credit: Janie Willison
Willy Holtzman, Mark Lotito, Andrea Bianchi, Andréa Burns, Jonathan Spivey, Peter Flynn
Mark Lotito, Andrea Bianchi, Andréa Burns, Jonathan Spivey
Willy Holtzman, Andréa Burns, Peter Flynn
Peter Flynn, Willy Holtzman, Andréa Burns, Mary J. Davis, Judith Manocherian
Peter Flynn, Willy Holtzman, Mark Lotito, Andrea Bianchi, Andréa Burns, Jonathan Spivey, Mary J. Davis, Garth Kravits, Judith Manocherian