Cake Productions presents the New York premiere of This Lingering Life, an epic comedy with grave tragedies by Chiori Miyagawa. The play enjoyed its world premiere at Z Space in San Francisco in June. Directed by Cat Miller, this is the inaugural production of the company's 5th anniversary season. Performances will begin on Friday, September 12th with an official opening set for Thursday, September 18th at HERE. The production is scheduled to run through Saturday, October 4th. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast below!
At turns hilarious and horrifying, like the fourteenth-century Japanese Noh plays that inspired it, This Lingering Life looks at the human condition through the Buddhist concept of Karma exploring ancient desires and attachments. Taking place in the present time U.S., except when it happens elsewhere in old times, This Lingering Life follows the journeys of a woman with tragic hair, feudal warriors, a grieving mother whose son was kidnapped, a blind beggar, lovers born to enemy houses, and other sentient beings as they seek answers to the mysterious question of human existence. The cast of 10 for This Lingering Life are: Ronald Cohen, Amir Darvish, Francesca Day, Luke Forbes, William Franke, Vanessa Kai, Marta Kuersten, Meg MacCary, Enormvs Muñoz and Stephanie Weeks.
The creative team includes: Kate Noll (Set Design), Becky Bodurtha (Costume Design), Nastassia Jimenez (Lighting Design), M. Florian Staab (Sound Design & Original Music). Courtney Ferrell is Production Stage Manager.Photo Credit: Chris Montgomery