The cast features Michael Walls, Andreas Pilatsikas, Jason Schlaman, Florimond Le Goupil-Maier, Grant Hale, Bill Morton, J.P. Ross, Drew Paton, and Kenon Veno.
The Drama Company NYC presents Lilies, or The Revival of a Romantic Drama written by Michel Marc Bouchard with English translation by Linda Gaboriau, and direction by Andrew Benvenuti.
Lilies will be seen in New York City for the first time in nearly twenty years. Lilies will be streamed on-demand, beginning Friday, March 26 through Sunday, March 28.
Set against a backdrop of revenge, obsession, and love, Lilies tells the story of Simon Doucet, recently released from prison after serving a 30-year sentence for a crime he did not commit. He arranges a private meeting with his former school friend, Jean Bilodeau, now a powerful Bishop. Simon and his friends, all former prison inmates, revisit the harrowing events that occurred during their final year at St. Sebastian's school for boys.
The creative team for Lilies, led by director Andrew Benvenuti, features costume design by Caitlyn Piccirillo, lighting design by Reid Sullivan, sound design by Cesar Brandi, and music by Analia Lentini. Josh Bowen is assistant director and Sara Laursen is company manager.
March 26-27-28 streaming tickets for Lilies are available online at as 48-hour rental passes and range in price from $15 (single user, 1 device), $25 (two users, 1 device) and $35 (3 or more users, 1 device).
Photo Credit: Andrew Daniel Dick for TDC NYC
Jason Schlaman, Grant Hale, and J.P. Ross
Jason Schlaman and Florimond Le Goupil-Maier
Florimond Le Goupil-Maier and Jason Schlaman