The world premiere production of The Light Years, written by Drama Desk Award winner Hannah Bos (The Open House, Jacuzzi, Blood Play, Buddy Cop 2) and Obie Award winner Paul Thureen (Jacuzzi, Blood Play, Buddy Cop 2), directed and developed by Obie Award winner Oliver Butler (Jacuzzi, The Open House, Blood Play), made by The Debate Society, is currently in previews at Playwrights Horizons' Mainstage Theater (416 West 42nd Street). The production has an Opening Night set for Monday, March 13, and will play a limited engagement through Sunday, April 2. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
The cast of The Light Years features Ken Barnett (Fun Home, Wonderful Town, Plenty, The Fortress of Solitude), Aya Cash (Three Changes and The Pain and the Itch at Playwrights, Happy Hour, The Other Place, FX's "You're the Worst"), Brian Lee Huynh (War Horse, "The Witches of Oz," "Madam Secretary"), Erik Lochtefeld (Misery, Metamorphoses, A Funny Thing...of NYC, Small Mouth Sounds), three-time Obie Award winner Rocco Sisto (Demonology at Playwrights, Quills, The Winter's Tale, The King & I, Seminar, Amadeus) and Graydon Peter Yosowitz (You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown; Honk, Jr.; The Odyssey).
Behold The Spectatorium: an audacious, visionary 12,000-seat theater designed for the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 by Steele MacKaye (Mr. Sisto), the now forgotten theatrical impresario around whom this haunted, 40-year love story spins. From the minds of celebrated play-making company The Debate Society, The Light Years is an epic, intimate tale of two families struggling to meet their future, and a spectacular tribute to man's indomitable spirit of invention.
Photo Credit: Joan Marcus