Executive Produced by Leslie Gold (The Award-Winning Radiochick) and produced by Emmy-Nominated Peppy Castro and Broadway's Kenn Lubin THE GONG SHOW LIVE is an even better idea than The Gong Show on TV. It's LIVE. In a theatre. Where most of the 1970's American population wanted to be. Right there and up close with the lunacy. The beautiful new Cutting Room (44 East 32 Street - between Park & Madison Avenues). Scroll down for a sneak peek at some of the GONG SHOW's performances!
Leslie Gold hired New York Casting Director, Robert Russell, to cast THE GONG SHOW LIVE. She wanted the best acts in the world. She wanted the most unique acts on earth. She wanted these acts to astonish, amaze, astound and stupefy the audience. She wanted better acts than anything on the networks. She wanted the impossible. Well. Mr. Russell auditioned over one thousand acts. Thirty-five were chosen. Fourteen of which will perform nightly. Mr. Russell delivered. Gong that! There are 35 acts. They dance in rings of fire. They twist themselves into impossible shapes. The sing in over four octaves. They dance, do magic, swallow swords, drink too much, dazzle with hand jives and foot work, and in the case of Sunshine Denet (pictured above) - blow the roof of The Cutting Room. What the great Mordechai does to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is nobody's business. These people are very good at what they do. They are the best entertainers in North America. Some say The Gong Show 10 Orchestra is better than the Tonight Show band.Photo Credit: Marc Birnbach
Judge Chuck Nice
Judges Joe DeVito and Leslie Gold
Poteets Jen
Princess Lockeroo
Rhonda Smith - Duffy Coris
Rhonda Smith - Duffy Coris
Band Members Artie Dillon and Jimmy Caputo
Alien Surfer Girls