TRYST is a riveting romantic thriller set in Edwardian London. Part romance, part psychological thriller, TRYST tells the story of handsome con-man George Love, who preys on well-off women, wooing them, marrying them, and leaving them penniless and husbandless the day after the honeymoon...that is, until he meets his match in lonelymilliner Adelaide Pinchin. TRYST is an intense and tantalizing play intended for mature audiences.
Check out production shots from the show below!
Mark Shanahan, who recently starred in the Irish Rep's THE SHAUGHRAUN, stars as George and is joined by Andrea Maulella in the role of Adelaide.
Karoline Leach's TRYST runs through August 21 at The Irish Repertory Theatre (132 West 22nd Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues): Tuesday-Saturday at 8pm; plus 3pm matinees on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $55 and $65, and are available by calling 212-727-2737 or online at
For more information, visit
Photo Credit: Carol Rosegg
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan
Mark Shanahan, Andrea Maulella
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan
Mark Shanahan, Andrea Maulella
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan
Andrea Maulella, Mark Shanahan