Set in Derry, Northern Ireland during the aftermath of a civil rights meeting, Brian Friel's THE FREEDOM OF THE CITY revolves around an inquiry into the shooting by British soldiers of three marchers as they emerged from the Guildhall. As the inquiry continues, with testimony from 'expert' witnesses, the play relives the real events that led to its institution.
Performances run through November 25: Wed 3pm & 8pm; Thu 7pm; Fri 8pm; Sat 3pm & 8pm; and Sun 3pm, at Irish Repertory Theatre (132 West 22nd Street). Tickets: $65 or $55. For reservations, call or 212-727-2737.
Photo Credit: Carol Rosegg
Christa Scott Reed (as Dr. Dobbs)
Craig Wroe (as Solider)
Cara Seymour (as Lily, foreground)
Joseph Sikora (as Skinner, left) and Cara Seymour (as Lily, right)
Craig Wroe (as Solider)
Cara Seymour (as Lily, left) and Joseph Sikora (as Skinner, right)
Cara Seymour (as Lily), James Russell (as Michael) and Joseph Sikora (as Skinner)
Joseph Sikora (as Skinner)
Cara Seymour (as Lily, left) and Joseph Sikora (as Skinner, right)
Clark Carmichael (as Dr. Winbourne, left) and John C. Vennema (as Judge, right)
Cara Seymour (as Lily)
Joseph Sikora (as Skinner. left) and Cara Seymour (as Lily, right)
Cara Seymour (as Lily, left) and James Russell (as Michael, right)
Evan Zes (as Professor Cupley)