Directed by Lila Neugebauer and featuring a company of ten female actors - Mia Barron, Brenna Coates, Jenna Dioguardi, Samia Finnerty, Midori Francis, Lizzy Jutila, Sarah Mezzanotte, Tedra Millan, Lauren Patten (Fun Home), and Susannah Perkins - Sarah DeLappe's award-winning debut play THE WOLVES will now run in an extended World Premiere through September 29 at The Realm's new home for the season The Duke on 42nd Street. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
Left quad. Right quad. Lunge. An all girls indoor soccer team warms up. From the safety of their suburban stretch circle, the team navigates big questions and wages tiny battles with all the vim and vigor of a pack of adolescent warriors. The Wolvesis a portrait of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for nine American teens who just want to score some goals.
About the play DeLappe says,"These women are warriors. Each scene is a warm-up for a soccer game: they're a troop preparing for battle."
The creative team includes Laura Jellinek (set design), Lap Chi Chu (lighting design), Ásta Bennie Hostetter (costume design), and Stowe Nelson & Beth Lake (sound design).
For tickets and more details visit
Photo Credit: Daniel J. Vasquez
Sarah Mezzanotte
Samia Finnerty, Lizzy Jutlia, Jenna Dioguardi, Susannah Perkins, Tedra Milan, Midori Francis, Brenna Coates (foreground)
Samia Finnerty, Brenna Coates, Jenna Dioguardi, Susannah Perkins, Lauren Patten, Tedra Milan, Midori Francis, Sarah Mezzanotte
Lizzy Jutlia, Lauren Patten (background)
Tedra Milan, Lauren Patten, Midori Francis, Sarah Mezzanotte, Lizzy Jutlia, Susannah Perkins, Jenna Dioguardi (foreground)
Lizzy Jutlia, Midori Francis, Samia Finnerty, Brenna Coates, Lauren Patten, Jenna Dioguardi, Susannah Perkins, Tedra Milan, Sarah Mezzanotte
Lauren Patten, Lizzy Jutlia
Lauren Patten (center)
Sarah Mezzanotte