The Playwrights Realm (Katherine Kovner, Artistic Director; Roberta Pereira, Producing Director) presents the world premiere of Mfoniso Udofia's Sojourners, directed by Ed Sylvanus Iskandar. Check out photos from the show below!
The cast includes Hubert Point-Du Jour as Ukpong, Lakisha Michelle May as Moxie, Chinasa Ogbuagu as Abasiama and Chinaza Uche as Disciple.
Abasiama came to America with high hopes-for her arranged marriage and for her future-intent on earning a degree and returning to Nigeria. But when her husband is seduced by America, she must choose between the Nigerian and the American dream.
The Playwrights Realm presents�Sojourners� by Mfoniso UdofiaDirected by Ed Sylvanus IskandarPictured: Chinasa Ogbuagu as Abasiama & Hubert Point-Du Jour as Ukpong
The Playwrights Realm presents�Sojourners� by Mfoniso UdofiaDirected by Ed Sylvanus IskandarPictured: Chinasa Ogbuagu as Abasiama