Elvis is IN the building! After a recent performance of FREUD'S LAST SESSION, Elvis Presley (as played by Eddie Clendening in Million Dollar Quartet) stopped by for a session with Dr. Sigmund Freud (Martin Rayner) on the iconic couch in Freud's onstage office. Exactly what the two men discussed cannot be divulged due to Freud's strict patient confidentiality policy.
Both FREUD'S LAST SESSION and Million Dollar Quartet are currently playing to sold out houses at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street). Elvis Presley joins the long list of celebrity FREUD fans including Woody Allen, Andy Rooney, Alec Baldwin, Neil Simon, Barbara Walters, Jerry Stiller, Christiane Amanpour, Marcia Gay Harden, Dick Cavett, John Cleese, Dr. Ruth, Patricia Heaton, Dan Lauria, Celeste Holm, T.R. Knight, Peter Shaffer, Tina Louise, Warner Wolf, Victoria Jackson, Cornel West, The Amazing Kreskin, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.FREUD'S LAST SESSION opened on July 22, 2010 to rave reviews and immediately became a sellout sensation. Additional productions of the phenomenally successful play are already set through 2012 in major markets across the nation and around the world including London, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Los Angeles, Stockholm, Mexico City, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Palm Beach.Under the direction of Tyler Marchant, FREUD'S LAST SESSION is the winner of the 2011 Off Broadway Alliance Award for Best Play, and stars Mark H. Dold as C. S. Lewis and Martin Rayner as Sigmund Freud.
FREUD'S LAST SESSION centers on legendary psychoanalyst Dr. Sigmund Freud, who invites the young, rising academic star C. S. Lewis to his home in London. Lewis, expecting to be called on the carpet for satirizing Freud in a recent book, soon realizes Freud has a much more significant agenda. On the day England enters World War II, Freud and Lewis clash on the existence of God, love, sex, and the meaning of life - only two weeks before Freud chooses to take his own. Not just a powerful debate, this is a profound and deeply touching play about two men who boldly addressed the greatest questions of all time. Mark St. Germain's celebrated new play was suggested by the bestselling book The Question of God by Harvard's Dr. Armand M. Nicholi, Jr.Videos