"A riotous comedy noir steeped in the glamour of 1960s Hollywood, Die Mommie Die! stars playwright Charles Busch as Angela Arden, a fallen pop diva trapped in a hateful marriage to film producer Sol Sussman. Desperate to find happiness with her younger lover, out-of-work TV actor Tony Parker, Angela gruesomely murders her husband with the aid of a poisoned suppository," state press materials. "In a plot that reflects Greek tragedy as well as Hollywood kitsch, Angela's manipulative daughter, Edith, convinces her 'emotionally disturbed' brother, Lance, that together they must avenge their father's death . by killing their mother!"
In addition to Busch, Die Mommie Die!
stars Bob Ari, Chris Hoch, Ashley Morris, Kristine Nielsen and Van Hansis.
Preview Schedule: Tuesday - Friday at 8pm; Saturday at 2pm & 8pm; Sunday at 7pm; Regular Performance Schedule (begins Tuesday, October 23, 2007): Tuesday - Friday at 8pm; Saturday at 7pm & 10pm; Sunday at 3pm & 7pm. Tickets on-sale Monday, August 27th. (212) 239-6200 or telecharge.com
Photos by Carol Rosegg
Bob Ari and Ashley Morris
l-r: Van Hansis, Charles Busch, Chris Hoch, Bob Ari and
Kristine Nielsen
l-r: Van Hansis, Charles Busch and Ashley Morris
Kristine Nielsen and Charles Busch
Chris Hoch and Charles Busch
Charles Busch and Bob Ari
Ashley Morris and Van Hansis