Drama Desk Award-nominee ("Intimate Apparel" with Viola Davis) Corey Stoll ("The Strain," "House of Cards," Ant-Man) joined his wife Nadia Bowers and the other cast members of the New York Premiere of Jason Odell Williams' CHURCH & STATE after the Sunday matinee performance Off-Broadway at New World Stages. Scroll down for a photo!
CHURCH & STATE is currently in previews for an opening night on Monday, March 20, followed by an open-ended run at New World Stages (340 W. 50th Street - between 8th & 9th Avenues).
Directed by Markus Potter (Stalking the Bogeyman), the cast features Rob Nagle ("Castle," "Mad Men"), Nadia Bowers (The Farnsworth Invention, "Orange is the New Black"), Christa Scott-Reed (The Pitman Painters, Relativity) and Jonathan Louis Dent (The Broken Record, Romeo and Juliet).
Church & State is a fast-paced, seriously funny take on faith, politics, and "The Twitter." It's three days before Charles Whitmore's Senate reelection and he's decided to finally tell the public exactly what's on his mind, no filter. What could possibly go wrong?
The creative team is comprised of David Goldstein (scenic design), Burke Brown (lighting design), Dianne K. Graebner (costume design), and Erik T. Lawson (sound design). Sofia Montgomery is Production Stage Manager.