Roundabout Theatre Company presents the world-premiere production of Toni Stone, by Lydia R. Diamond, directed by Tony Award winner Pam MacKinnon. The cast includes Eric Berryman (Stretch), Harvy Blanks (Alberga), Phillip James Brannon (King Tut), Daniel J. Bryant (Spec), Jonathan Burke (Elzie), Toney Goins(Jimmy), Kenn E. Head (Millie), Ezra Knight (Woody) and April Matthis (Toni Stone).
As part of Roundabout's commitment to foster talent through the New Play Initiative, this world premiere was commissioned by Roundabout and Samantha Barrie. The production has been in development since 2013 at Roundabout with Mses. Diamond, Brown and MacKinnon (a Roundabout Associate Artist).
Toni Stone opened officially last night, June 20, 2019 at the Laura Pels Theatre in the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre (111 West 46th Street). This will be a limited engagement through August 11, 2019.
Toni Stone is an encyclopedia of baseball stats. She's got a great arm. And she doesn't understand why she can't play with the boys. Stone knocks it out of the park as the first woman to go pro in the Negro Leagues. Featuring a bullpen of players crossing age, race and gender to portray all supporting roles, Toni Stone is a vibrant new play about staying in the game, playing hard, playing smart, and playing your own way.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
The cast of TONI STONE
The cast of TONI STONE
The cast of TONI STONE
The cast of TONI STONE
The cast of TONI STONE
Damian Thompson, Jennean Farmer, Melvin Abston, Alex Joseph Grayson
Damian Thompson, Jennean Farmer, Melvin Abston, Alex Joseph Grayson
Pam MacKinnon, Camille A. Brown, Lydia R. Diamond
Pam MacKinnon, Camille A. Brown, Lydia R. Diamond
Lydia R. Diamond and her son
Harvy Blanks, Kenn E. Head, Ezra Knight, Daniel J. Bryant, Jonathan Burke, Toney Goins, Phillip James Brannon, Eric Berryman