Gingold Theatrical Group continues the 14th Season of Project Shaw, Art as Activism: A Theatrical Survival Guide, a special series of evenings of plays that embrace human rights and free speech. All of GTG's programming, inspired by the works of George Bernard Shaw, are designed to provoke peaceful discussion and activism.
Marcia Milgrom Dodge directed a cast that features Fred Applegate, Cynthia Darlow, Jason Gotay, Cady Huffman, Charlotte Maltby, Robert Petkoff, Emily Rynasko, Paige Silvester, Robbie Simpson, and Emma Stratton.
Check out the photos below!
Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter Keddy
Project Shaw Presents I'll Leave It To You by Noel Coward
Tonight's Cast-Jason Gotay, Robbie Simpson, Robert Petkoff, Fred Applegate, Emily Rynasko, Emma Stratton, Paige Silvester, Charlotte Maltby, Cynthia Darlow and Cady Huffman
Jason Gotay, Robbie Simpson, Marcia Milgrom Dodge (Director), Robert Petkoff, Fred Applegate, Emily Rynasko, Emma Stratton, Paige Silvester, Charlotte Maltby, Cynthia Darlow and Cady Huffman
Jason Gotay, Robbie Simpson, Marcia Milgrom Dodge (Director), Robert Petkoff, Fred Applegate, Emily Rynasko, Emma Stratton, Paige Silvester, Charlotte Maltby, Cynthia Darlow and Cady Huffman are joined by Kate Mandracchia and Alex Kesner
David Staller joins Jason Gotay, Robbie Simpson, Marcia Milgrom Dodge (Director), Robert Petkoff, Fred Applegate, Emily Rynasko, Emma Stratton, Paige Silvester, Charlotte Maltby, Cynthia Darlow, Cady Huffman and Kate Mandracchia and Alex Kesner
Jason Gotay, Fred Applegate and Robert Petkoff
Jason Gotay, Fred Applegate and Robert Petkoff
Jason Gotay,Robbie Simpson, Fred Applegate and Robert Petkoff
Jason Gotay,Robbie Simpson, Fred Applegate and Robert Petkoff
Robbie Simpson, Fred Applegate, Marcia Milgrom Dodge, Robert Petkoff and Jason Gotay
Emily Rynasko, Emma Stratton, Paige Silvester, Marcia Milgrom Dodge, Cady Huffman, Cynthia Darlow and Charlotte Maltby
Marcia Milgrom Dodge and David Staller
Emily Rynasko, Jason Gotay, Paige Silvester, Charlotte Maltby, Robbie Simpson and Cady Huffman
Cady Huffman, Charlotte Maltby and Robbie Simpson
Paige Silvester, Robert Petkoff and Cady Huffman
Emma Stratton and Cynthia Darlow
Emily Rynasko, Jason Gotay, Paige Silvester, Charlotte Maltby, Robbie Simpson, Cady Huffman, Robert Petkoff, Cynthia Darlow, Emma Stratton and Fred Applegate
Paige Silvester and Charlotte Maltby
Robert Petkoff and Cady Huffman
Robert Petkoff Cady Huffman and Charlotte Maltby
Cady Huffman, Charlotte Maltby, Cynthia Darlow, Emma Stratton and Fred Applegate