Drift, a new American drama written by William Francis Hoffman, will have its World Premiere off-Broadway at New World Stages, Stage 5 (340 West 50th Street), in a production directed by Academy Award winner Bobby Moresco and starring Emmy Award winner Joe Pantoliano ("The Sopranos," Bad Boys For Life in movie theaters now). The limited engagement will begin performances on February 29, with an official Opening Night set for Monday, March 16.
Set in the blue collar, urban landscape of the 1950's, Drift is the hard-hitting new drama where secrets come to a head, difficult choices must be made, and devastating consequences must be faced. The production stars Emmy Award winner Joe Pantoliano with Patrick Brennan, Richard R. Henry, Alex Mickiewicz, and Griffin Osborne.
"On my first reading of Drift, the universal themes of family struggle, destruction, reconciliation, and the need for salvation struck a deep chord. It is clear to me that Drift is a great new American play, and playwright William Francis Hoffman is a new voice in the classical traditions of American theater. And yet, Drift is also something totally and completely contemporary and original," said director Bobby Moresco. "Each one of us has been reared from a family that has inevitably endured a crisis and has been destroyed, rehabilitated, and for some, bulit back up again by our human need to persevere. Those themes and the characters filled with human foible and the comedic interplay between brothers, weaves us into an unforgettable world of characters and story that has stayed with me since my first reading and I suspect will be with me and the audience long after."
Drift is produced by Bobby Moresco, James Cahill, Joanna Cahill, Jack Kavanaugh, Leslie Kavanaugh, Kate Mott Morrow and Karly Fischer (Executive Producers).
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Richard R. Henry
Richard R. Henry
Richard R. Henry, Alex Mickiewicz, Joe Pantoliano, Griffin Osborne, Patrick Brennan
Bobby Moresco, Richard R. Henry, Alex Mickiewicz, Joe Pantoliano, Griffin Osborne, Patrick Brennan, William Francis Hoffman
William Francis Hoffman
William Francis Hoffman