Los Monólogos de la Vagina, Eve Ensler's groundbreaking show, is now in an unprecedented Spanish language engagement at its original off-Broadway home. BroadwayWorld was there for opening night, and you can check out photo coverage below!
Los Monólogos de la Vagina, the Spanish language version of The Vagina Monologues, is an unprecedented phenomenon now on stage at the Westside Theatre. This production marks a sea change in mainstream theatre in New York; it is the first time that a play is being produced in an off-Broadway theatre in Spanish, eight times a week.
The opening night cast includes: Kate del Castillo, whom you may know from "Weeds" and one of PEOPLE Magazine's "Most Beautiful;" Mexican star Angelica Vale; and Angelica Maria, another huge Mexican star (and Angelica Vale's mother).
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Federico Gonzalez Compean, Morris Gilbert
Daphne Rubin-Vega, Federico Gonzalez Compean, Eve Ensler, Morris Gilbert
Federico Gonzalez Compean, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Miriam Colon, Eve Ensler, Morris Gilbert
Eve Ensler, Ambassador Sandra Fuentes
Angelica Maria,Angelica Vale, Eve Ensler, Kate del Castillo