The Castle, a unique theatrical event that presents a searing, first-hand look at the lives of four formerly incarcerated New Yorkers and their re-entry into society, transfered to Off-Broadway this Sunday at New World Stages. This unique theater piece is conceived and directed by David Rothenberg and written in collaboration with Vilma Ortiz Donovan, Kenneth Harrigan, Angel Ramos and Casimiro Torres.
Performances began Sunday, March 30th at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street) and the opening night was this Sunday, April 27th at 5 p.m.The Castle, an imposing upper west side residential facility for the formerly incarcerated, was opened (and is maintained) by The Fortune Society, a non-profit organization that helps put men and women, recently emerged from prison, on their re-entry into society. The organization was established by Mr. Rothenberg following the success of the 1967 Off-Broadway production of the play, Fortune and Men's Eyes (itself, a play about a young man's experience in a youth detention center).The company of The Castle (all of whom tell their own real-life stories) includes Ms. Donovan, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Ramos and Mr. Torres.The Castle will begin its run at New World Stages with a unique playing schedule: Sundays at 5 p.m. Beginning April 19th, performances are Saturdays and Sundays at 5 p.m. Tickets are $30 & $45 and are available at the New World Stages box office or via Telecharge (212-239-6200) / By Linda Lenzi
Benefit Co-Chairs Rocco Landesman and Richard Frankel
Rocco Landesman and Glen Martin (Fortune Society/ VP of Policy and Advocacy)
Richard Frankel, Rocco Landesman and David Rothenberg (Director)
Stanley Richards (Fortune Society/Chief Operating Officer) and JoAnne Page (Fortune Society/President and CEO)
Performer Angel Ramos
Performer Vilma Ortiz Donovan
Performer Kenneth Harrigan
Performer Casimiro Torres
Casimiro Torres, Vilma Ortiz Donovan, Angel Ramos and Kenneth Harrigan
Angel Ramos, Vilma Ortiz Donovan, David Rothenberg, Kenneth Harrigan and Casimiro Torres
Angel Ramos, Rocco Landesman, Vilma Ortiz Donovan, David Rothenberg, Kenneth Harrigan, Richard Frankel and Casimiro Torres
Christine Ebesole brought gifts for the cast while visiting the performers backstage. Casimiro Torres, Vilma Ortiz Donovan, Angel Ramos and Kenneth Harrigan
David Rothenberg, Casimiro Torres, Vilma Ortiz Donovan, Angel Ramos, Christine Ebersole and Kenneth Harrigan