In 7th MONARCH, Miriam Hemmerick, a mathematical genius who was on the fast track to becoming an astronaut, has been living in seclusion with her parents for the past 20 years after dropping out of college. Raina, a social worker, investigates a potential crime involving Miriam's mother and father, but the parents themselves are nowhere to be found. The mysteries start there, and dark personal secrets about these two women are soon revealed.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
'7th Monarch'
Director Scott C. Embler
Assistant Director Scott Evans
Producer Wendy MacDonald
Director Scott C. Embler and Assistant Director Scott Evans
Assistant Director Scott Evans, Producer Wendy MacDonald and Director Scott C. Embler
Assistant Director Scott Evans, Producer Wendy MacDonald and Director Scott C. Embler
Leslie Hendrix and Director Scott C. Embler
Scott C. Embler and Gretchen Hall
Gretchen Hall and Leslie Hendrix
Michael Cullen and Matthew Humphreys
Michael Rupert and Director Scott C. Embler
Leslie Hendrix, Scott C. Embler and Gretchen Hall
Michael Cullen, Matthew Humphreys and Michael Rupert
Michael Cullen, Matthew Humphreys and Michael Rupert
Leslie Hendrix, Director Scott C. Embler and Gretchen Hall
Scott C. Embler and Matthew Humphreys
Michael Cullen, Leslie Hendrix, Matthew Humphreys, Gretchen Hall and Michael Rupert
Michael Cullen, Leslie Hendrix, Matthew Humphreys, Gretchen Hall and Michael Rupert