The Pearl Theatre Company production of ‘The Playboy of the Western World' begins performances at New York City Center Stage II on October 2. The show officially opens Oct. 11 and runs through Nov. 22.
According to press notes, 'The Playboy of the Western World' "tells the story of young Christopher Mahon, who stumbles out of the wild and into this remote place for a drink declaring he's killed his father. The audacious act (and the fine way Mahon begins to tell it) make him a local hero - particularly to Margaret Flaherty, better known as Pegeen Mike, who quickly comes to idealize Christy Mahon as something of a savior."
The cast features Pearl company members Rachel Botchan as Widow Quin, Bradford Cover as Michael James, Dominic Cuskern as Jimmy Farrell and Sean McNall as Christy Mahon. The show is directed by the company's new artistic director J.R. Sullivan.
The production design team includes Harry Feiner (scenic design), Rachel Laritz (costume design), Stephen Petrilli (lighting design) and ML Dogg (sound design).
For tickets phone (212) 598-9802 or visit the Pearl Theatre website.