Tim Ruddy's boldly original new drama, "The International," receives its world premiere in a five-week Off-Broadway run at the cell in New York playing from Thursday April 3 to Sunday May 4. Presented by the cell, 338 West 23rd Street, Origin Theatre Company's production is directed by Christopher Randolph.
Featured in the cast are Carey Van Driest and Ted Schneider, who originated their roles in the show's acclaimed workshop production at last year's Origin's 1st Irish Theatre Festival. The small-scale workshop, part of the Festival's Next Generation Series, turned heads by earning both the Best Actress and Best Playwright awards in jury voting.
Known as an incubator of innovative new works of theatre, the cell recently presented the much-lauded Off-Broadway premiere of "Hard Times," a new musical that was also brought to life by the cell at 1st Irish. Final casting for "The International" will be announced soon. After playing six previews beginning April 3, "The International" opens on Thursday April 10 at 8pm. In Ruddy's probing three-character play, familiar events taking place during an unnamed war in Eastern Europe are seen through the eyes of three different people in three different parts of the world.Videos