Twenty years ago, the groundbreaking TV series Sex and the City first premiered on HBO offering a spirited look into the professional and social lives of four 30-something women in New York City. Today, Right Angle Entertainment announced tickets are on sale now for the parody tribute and sendup, One Woman Sex and the City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes ( Comedic genius Kerry Ipema (PostSecret: The Show) takes audiences back to relive iconic moments of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda in New York City from all six seasons of the beloved series.
One Woman Sex and the City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes opens at The Jerry Orbach Theater (1627 Broadway at 50th Street) for an open-ended run on September 22. Tickets are $47 and available through Ticketmaster or at The Jerry Orbach Theater box office (phone: 212-921-7862).
Ipema is on the heels of a successful national tour and performs 27 shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this month. In September she brings her "one woman love letter" to Manhattan, back to the city where it all started. TJ Dawe (director and co-creator of One Man Star Wars Trilogy, One Man Lord of the Rings and PostSecret: The Show) is co-writer of the show. Coupled with Ipema's brilliant comedic timing, physicality and impersonations, they bring all the favorite Sex and the City characters to life on stage. Fans can expect the naked dress, the tantric sex demonstration, "he's just not that into you" and the post-it note as One Woman Sex and the City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes transports audiences on their laughter-infused journey.
Produced by Right Angle Entertainment and McSmith Family Entertainment, One Woman Sex and the City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes takes the stage September 22 at The Jerry Orbach Theater in the historic Time Square Theater District. The performance schedule is Thursdays at 2pm, Fridays at 7pm, Saturdays at 3pm, Sundays at 2:00pm and Mondays at 7:30pm. Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theater.
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