The Off-Broadway musical "The Golden Land," which tells the story of countless survivors around the world willing to start over in America is getting a new life. The critically acclaimed tuner from the National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene will resume performances from December 19 to January 6, after concluding its announced five-week run tonight, Sunday December 2.
The mostly English-language musical which vividly evokes New York's Lower East Side by interpolating Yiddish and English period songs into its klezmer-inflected score, began performances on October 28 and was scheduled to open on November 4. After its first preview, the show was forced to cancel the next nine performances because of Hurricane Sandy. It postponed its opening from November 4 to Thursday November 8.
According to A.R.T. NY "The Golden Land" suffered the second greatest storm-related losses among non-profits after The Roundabout. Despite this setback, "The Golden Land" was golden with the critics, earning raves. Its lively klezmer score and young cast also endeared the show to young audiences. Folksbiene pushed hard to market the show to schools and other ethnic groups, emphasizing how the Jewish story chronicled in the show is a quintessentially American one.
Created by Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld, and directed by Bryna Wasserman, The Golden Land" features a cast of six, led by Bob Ader, Cooper Grodin, Stacey Harris, Andrew Keltz, Daniella Rabbani and Sandy Rosenberg.
The current run and the extension are at the Baruch Performing Arts Center, 55 Lexington Avenue at 25th Street. For tickets, which are $55, call 866/811-4111, or visit