Chapman began on October 23rd.
NY Classical Theatre has announced that Matthieu Chapman has joined the company as Literary Director. Chapman will lead script reading, analysis and dramaturgical research in support of NY Classical's goal to explore first-time English-language translations of World Classics, new plays inspired by historic texts and work outside the historical Western canon.
Chapman earned his MLitt in Dramaturgy and MFA in Acting from Mary Baldwin College's Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature in Performance Program and his Ph.D. in Theatre History, Theory and Criticism from the UC San Diego Department of Theatre and Dance. He has acted on the American Shakespeare Center's Blackfriar's stage and served as a dramaturg for San Diego Repertory Theatre and worked for the La Jolla Playhouse, as well as dramaturgy and direction for numerous university productions. His research focuses on ontological structures of blackness in the Early Modern World. His monograph, Antiblack Racism in Early Modern English Drama: The Other Other, is available from Routledge Press. He has also published articles in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, Theatre Topics, TheatreForum and Early Theatre. He has presented at numerous national and international conferences, including the Renaissance Society of America, the American Society of Theatre Research, the American Comparative Literature Association, the Mid-America Theatre Conference and others. Other research interests include: Contemporary Black Theatre, Cross-Cultural and Trans-National Adaptations of Shakespeare and the Dramaturgy of Black Bodies.