Mind The Gap Theatre returns with their sixth series of new short plays by, for or about the British, November 6-8, 2009 at Manhattan Theatre Source in the West Village.
Plays in this round include Devil May Dare by Kraig Smith, The Derelicts by Darren Murphy, Chun Li by Camilla Maxwell, Sleeve Notes by Duncan Macmillan, Breaktime by Philip Gawthorne, Omissions by Stephanie Staes and Delays by Dan Remmes. Also pending is a sneak preview of a piece from MTG's 4 star Edinburgh production of Durang Durang which will be moving to the Jermyn St Theatre in London in 2010.Members of Mind The Gap's Anglo-American Repertory Company (AARC) performing in this series are Bill Cohen*, Mia Moreland*, Anna Frankl-Duval, Luke Tudball, Colin Adams-Toomey, Camilla Maxwell, StuArt Williams, Tom Patrick Stephens*, Klemen Novak, Sarah Manton, Fiona Walsh*, Janet Prince, Daniel Damiano, Dan Remmes* and Martin EwensThe pieces are directed by Camilla Maxwell, Stephanie Staes and MTG Artistic Director/Founder Paula D'Alessandris. Lauren Arneson is the Stage Manager.Showtimes for BritBits 6 are Friday, November 6 @ 8pm; Saturday, November 7 @ 3pm & 8pm and Sunday, November 8 @ 7pmVideos