The show will be live via ZOOM, on Wednesday, November 25, at 8:00 PM ET/ 5:00 PM PT.
Master magician, mentalist and 3rd generation psychic Michael Gutenplan will present a special family-friendly, virtual magic and mentalism show, live via ZOOM, on Wednesday, November 25, at 8:00 PM ET/ 5:00 PM PT. The show, which includes incredible magic and mind reading, is designed to bring families and friends together for a fun and amazing experience on a night we'd normally be together - but can't due to COVID. Usually only seen by Hollywood's hit makers, members of private clubs and corporations, and the rest of the 1%, this is a rare public show by one of the nation's top-rated magical performers.
Michael has performed at the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, Off-Broadway in his critically-acclaimed one-man show "Extraordinary Deceptions," in "The Spy Magic Show" in Washington, DC., and at clubs and events across the nation with "The Members Only Show."
How does it work? Log-in at and enjoy the show. Michael selects "volunteers" from those with their camera turned on.
The show is free. Contributions in lieu of tickets are appreciated.