The show features original music by Soo Hyun Huh, Lyrics & Translation by Bryan Michaels, originally written by Jung Hwa Choo. INTERVIEW made its world premiere at Soo Hyun Jae Theatre in Seoul, Korea in September 2016 & then ran to sold-out crowds in Kyoto & Tokyo.
When a famous psychologist & author calls a temp agency for an apprenticeship, the perfect candidate appears at his door. Witty, studious & eager to please, Matt Sinclair quickly makes an impression with Dr. Eugene Harper. All is not as it appears, however & what starts as an interview, quickly turns sinister as the author's true motives are revealed. INTERVIEW tells the story of a psychologist, a criminal defendant & a legal system that would stop at nothing to gain an alleged killer's confession, even if it means driving the accused to the brink of insanity.
INTERVIEW: A New Musical stars Josh Bardier (Hoi Polloi at Theatre Row), Adam Dietlein (Gaston in the first international tour of Disney's Beauty & the Beast) & Erin Kommor (Off-Broadway debut) & will be directed by Dimo Hyun Jun Kim (Green Card, Comfort Women) & Yossef K.
INTERVIEW: A New Musical is the first Korean-born musical, written & composed by Korean artists, to be mounted Off-Broadway. This will be New York audiences' first chance to see what a musical from another culture (7000 miles away!) is like & how the story touches them just as any English language musical would.
Tickets are $35 - $80 and can be purchased at or (866)811-4111.