La Mama has added HONOUR, by Dipti Mehta, directed by Terry Berliner to its bevy of theatrical works. HONOUR, a One-Person show about a child prostitute in Mumbai, includes traditional Indian music and dance.
The show takes place on Friday, December 14, and Saturday, December 15, 7:30pm; Sunday, December 16, 2:30pm at La Mama E.T.C., First Floor Theatre, 74A, East 4th Street, New York 10003.
HONOUR is the story of prostitute’s struggle to save her only daughter from a life of destitution in the slums of Mumbai. Using text and traditional Indian dance, writer/performer Dipti Mehta tells a tale of survival and pride.
To purchase tickets, you may reach the Box office at 212-475-7710. Also, you may purchase tickets online at HONOUR is followed by talk-back about sex trafficking. Tickets are priced at $18 (student/senior $13).