Kevin McDonald, of the legendary comedy troupe "The Kids in the Hall," is set to mount his first-ever one-man show, Kevin McDonald ALIVE on 42nd Street. The show will run for only eight performances, from August 25th through August 31st at Theatre Row NYC's Studio Theatre. Full ticket and event info is available here.
Kevin McDonald ALIVE on 42nd Street promises to be a theater event filled to the brim with stories and songs that will give you a look behind the scenes of his life, from his tumultuous relationship with his drunk dad, to his groundbreaking work with "The Kids in the Hall," to his life and career in the present. Hey, he's alive and his middle name is "Hamilton," so he might as well cash in on this theater thing, right? "I'm very excited to be doing an Off-Broadway show though technically it's on Broadway," muses Kevin, "I will probably be sharing cabs with cast members of Hamilton. So come see the show! And Hamilton! In fact just go see Hamilton... There, that's good. What should I do now. I could eat. No, I just ate. I better go over my lines for my Off-Broadway show. No I'll eat."Videos