The Drama Desk-nominated Off-Broadway hit John Tartaglia's ImaginOcean has partnered with Early Stages, an organization in New York City that fosters literacy through the arts, to create a unique program to give third graders in three New York City public school classrooms (PS 15 Red Hook, Brooklyn; PS 19 Corona, Queens; PS 203 Bayside, Queens) the chance to shine on the Off-Broadway stage.
According to John Tartaglia, producer and creator of John Tartaglia's ImaginOcean, "We are thrilled to be partnering with Early Stages because they share our mission to bring the arts to kids and kids to the arts. The producers of our show are passionate about making theatre accessible to children and expanding arts education as far and wide as possible. This program is exceptional and we are proud to be able to offer this."The unique curriculum will encourage and develop the creative writing skills of 130 seven and eight year old New Yorkers, with the goal of their learning how to develop and write an original play that takes the lead characters of ImaginOcean -- Dorsel, Tank, Bubbles and Leonard -- on their next journey.
Early Stages is a citywide arts and education nonprofit organization. Their mission is to foster literacy through the arts, improve classroom learning, and inspire children to explore their own voices in order to reach their full potential. Each student learns performance, language arts, and life skills. Early Stages believes that arts education transforms the lives of students and should be available to all children. Their vision is to cultivate literate, ethical, and articulate young men and women who will be fully prepared to participate in the arts and in society. They accomplish this through extended in-school residencies and by bringing students to outstanding performances. Early Stages has worked with NYC public schools in the five boroughs since 1983. This past year they served more than 10,000 students and partnered with over 80 schools.
For more information, visit Credit: Aaron Epstein